cutler publications

Ceyna Dawson, president

As President, Ceyna Dawson aims to champion the interests of the student body through continuing high-quality and student-driven journalism at Colorado College. 

She is a Junior Political Science Major and Journalism Minor. Ceyna has a deep passion for learning and telling of peoples’ stories. She specializes in feature pieces, and getting to know the community around her. Growing up in Eagle County, Colorado, she has a profound love for the outdoors and the people in her community, fueling her with the passion to engage with and tell many diverse stories. 

Throughout her tenure, she aims to raise up voices in her CC community and throughout Colorado Springs. Ceyna’s dedication to journalism will push for a more connected student body.

Esa George, vice president

Esabella George is a senior English major on the creative writing track from Los Angeles, California. After working for a newspaper since high school, Esa has gained experience as a section editor for two years now with The Catalyst. She is now a contributor to various sections and other literary publications with Cutler at Colorado College, like The Cipher Magazine. Esa is ecstatic to be apart of Cutler and help cultivate dialogue on campus.

the catalyst

Leigh walden

Leigh Walden is a junior journalism minor who also happens to be majoring in computer science on the side. Leigh holds a wholehearted passion for storytelling, meeting new people and discovering humanity in everything. She is hopeful to pursue a career in investigative data journalism, audio journalism or some combination of the two. Leigh is embracing saying yes to opportunities and sharing resources to enable others to say yes as well.  

Coming from Larkspur, Colorado, Leigh is competent in a wide variety of Colorado skills including but not limited to driving in severe blizzard conditions, roping cattle and telling you what regions looked like before they got developed. If you've ever got a loose hog, a question about managing anonymity or a few spare hours to gab, she's your girl. 

marynn krull, co-editor-in-chief

Marynn Krull is a sophomore journalism minor and prospective International Political Economy major.  Marynn is passionate about using journalism as a tool to give voice to students and hold local institutions of authority accountable. Hard news reporting and opinion editorials are Marynn's favorite pieces to advise, edit, and write. In an unprecedented age where local journalism is struggling to find readership and resources, as a Colorado Springs native, Marynn hopes to connect The Catalyst and Cutler with the broader Colorado Springs media landscape. In her free time, Marynn loves listening to a good podcast on a pre-dinner run on the Tiger Trail. Whatever career she ends up in post-grad, Marynn hopes her work is rooted in pursuing justice and shining light on lived experience through an accurate, ethical, and transparent process of truthtelling. 


Willa Schendler, CO-EDITOR-IN-CHIEF

Willa Schendler has worked as a thrift-store ice cream scooper, a professional museum artifact duster, a secret satirical magazine publisher, a children’s climbing instructor, a public bike-share attendant, a legal observer of police activity, and a peer writing tutor. She is majoring in interdisciplinary History-Philosophy studies, and is from Basalt, Colorado. Willa likes the ARC thrift store, French-roast coffee, and cherry poptarts. She is the Co-Editor in Chief of Cipher Magazine.

Leyla Kramarsky, co-editor-in-chief

Leyla Kramarsky is a senior creative writing major at Colorado College. She asked five close friends to please describe her in one sentence and responses were as follows: 1. “Very moisturized skin, and great hair.” 2. “When John Green said ‘she is a mystery wrapped in an enigma,’ he was talking about Leyla Kramarsky.” 3. “Likes to challenge herself.” 4. “Wears old woman makeup and has an appropriate level of concern about home security.” 5. “Cares about keeping her core warm”

Leyla was drawn to Cipher initially for its unique and collaborative writing and editing process. She loves working with students to develop their voices and find meaning and truth in the stories that they choose to tell. Joining the Cipher team is the best decision that Leyla has made at Colorado College. The relationships and skills she has developed at the magazine are infinitely important to her, and she urges anyone interested in writing or creating art to get involved in student publications in any way that they can.


Zoe Jeffrey, co-editor-in-chief

Zoe Jeffrey is one of the editors in chief of Leviathan. She started out working as an art editor for the magazine and continues to oversee the art submissions. As a studio art major herself, she is passionate about getting published and uplifting young artists.

madeline herman, co-editor-in-chief

Madeline Herman is one of the editor-in-chiefs for the Leviathan. Drawn to the creative nature of the Leviathan, Madeline started as a prose editor and now has become one of the EICs, with primary focus on prose and poetry. Their goal is to share the talent of the campus and encourage students to publish their creative works.


adley vogel, co-editor-in-chief

Adley Vogel is a senior from Menlo Park, California majoring in Philosophy. His interests include running, cycling, existentialist thought, the philosophy of law, and daily browser games such as the New York Times' Wordle and Connections. As a passionate writer and former news editor of his high school paper, he is excited to work with student authors to perfect their writing to create the best version of Anamnesis possible. 


Michael Braithwaite, Representative

Greetings fellow Earthlings. It is I, Michael, The Disincentive's Supreme Ambassador to Cutler Publications. I was originally a pure child of the journalism world. My earliest upbringings in the field included a lengthy tenure at The Catalyst, our weekly student newspaper here at Colorado College. But upon the conclusion of my tenure as Editor-in-Chief, I turned to the dark side. Now, my work with The Disincentive includes starting student uprisings, ousting CC presidents and hacking the bells of Shove Chapel to make them ring two minutes late.

The Disincentive is what a newspaper is not. Any integrity or honesty one may have is immediately lost as soon as they join our publication. We are liars. We are joksters. But most of all, we are committed to bringing the CC community the best fake news anyone could ask for. The Disincentive is one of secrecy. The Cutler Ambassador is the only public member of The Disincentive's administrative team, and as we continue to exist it shall remain so. To truly make our work as effective as it can be, we must remain in the shadows, forever observing and documenting what events lie before us. Thank you for taking the time to read about The Disincentive. We look forward to never talking. If you are interested in joining our publication, please reach out to

CC Outdoor Journal

Veronica Bianco, CO-head editor

Veronica Bianco is a sophomore majoring in Political Science and minoring in Journalism and Spanish. She is the co-head editor of the Colorado Collective Outdoor Journal, and copy edits the Features section of the Catalyst. She also writes for the paper’s Sports and News sections. She is passionate about preserving free, independent journalism especially in a time when newspapers and magazines across the country are being forced to sunset operations. She’s been writing for Willamette Week, an arts and politics alt-weekly in Portland, Oregon, her hometown, since she was 16, covering education, housing, city council elections, and more. Beyond journalism, she plays for CC’s women’s soccer team, is the principal bassoonist in the school’s chamber orchestra, and works at Outdoor Education’s Ahlberg Gear House. In her free time, she loves being outside, playing the guitar, and reading about maritime disasters.